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  The Galleria Borghese, Rome



Galleria Borghese is a unique museum collecting sculptures, mosaics and paintings from the XV to the XVIII century.

The original sculptures and paintings in the Borghese Gallery date back to Cardinal Scipione's collection, though subsequent events over the next three centuries entailing both losses and acquisition have left their mark.

Cardinal Scipione was drawn to any works of ancient, Renaissance and contemporary art which might re-evoke a new golden age. He was not particularly interested in medieval art, but passionately sought to acquire antique sculpture. Cardinal Scipione was so ambitious that he promoted the creation of new sculptures and especially marble groups to rival antique works. Particularly famous are the sculptures by Bernini and Canova as well as paintings by Raffaello, Tiziano and Caravaggio.

Reservation is mandatory

Reservations can be made, as long as ticket availability lasts. It is compulsory to collect reserved tickets 30 minutes before your time slot. Failure to purchase the tickets half an hour before your scheduled admittance time may result in the loss of your reservation.
Tickets may also be purchased the days before


From Tuesday to Sunday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. (last entrance at 5 p.m. )

Admissions are strictly reduced at only:
360 persons every 2 hours.
(mandatory exit at the end of time slot )

Entrance - Exit
09 a.m. - 11 a.m.
11 a.m. - 01 p.m.
01 p.m. - 03 p.m.
03 p.m. - 05 p.m.
05 p.m. - 07 p.m.


To reserve your tickets for the Borghese Gallery or to receive additional information please contact our concierge: Valentina