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  The Colosseum, Rome



The Colosseum was begun by Vespasian in 72 AD and completed by his son Titus in 80 AD. The original name of the building is “Flavian Amphitheatre” though it is commonly known as Colosseum because of its vicinity to the Colossus of Nero. There is hardly a page of Roman history that is not connected to the Colosseum which became the symbol of the city and its life.

The Colosseum had the same function as a modern giant stadium to host games and celebrations but it became famous (or infamous) for the gladiators fights and later on, for the Christians’ martyrdom. The Colosseum was designed to host an estimated 80 thousand people and in its full glory it must have been a stupendous site of Rome greatness. Even today, after so many centuries, the Colosseum is the pride of the city and a marvel to its numerous visitors.  

Opening Hours:
September 1st to September 30th
8:30 to 19:00

October 1st to last Saturday in October
8:30 to 18:30

Last Sunday in October to February 15th
8:30 to 16:30

February 16th to March 15th
8:30 to 17:00

From March 16th to last Saturday in March
8:30 to 17:30

Last Sunday in March to August 31st
8:30 to 19:15

Ticket includes entrance to the Palatino. To make a reservation for the Colosseum or to receive any additional information please contact our concierge: Valentina