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Arco Augusta, Rimini

Galleria Sotterrannea, Rimini

Ponte Tiberius, Rimini

Welcome to Rimini
From Jesse's Journeys in  Italy

Official website:

Rimini is a beach lover's paradise with a long history. Located on on Emilia-Romagna's Adriatic Coast in northeast Italy, it was an important crossroads for Roman trade as its impressive ruins attest. Today, young people and families from nearby cities such as Bologna flock here at weekends, while in summer a larger Italian contingent as well as Germans, French and English tourists make a beeline for Rimini in search of sun, sand, sea and a hectic nightlife - Rimini has over 100 discos!

The craze for 'taking the waters' here began in the 19th century led by Rimini aristocrats, Tintori and Baldini, who opened the first Stabilimento dei Bagni (beach with facilities). Rimini, with its high quality sand and fine sunny weather has remained an important Italian holiday resort ever since.

Popularity has its pitfalls. In peak season (July and August, when temperatures reach 30°C), the beaches are so packed that you will be lucky to find your place on the sand. In May, June or September, the weather is still hot but the beaches much less busy. In winter, when the weather is grey and cold (°10C Jan-Feb), Rimini turns into a ghost town and most clubs and restaurants close.

A useful site for tourists:



By Air: Rimini's Airport .  By Rail: Rimini's main train station (Stazione Centrale) is on the Piazzale Cesare Battisti near the Old Town centre. There are frequent trains south down to Bari, Puglia's Adriatic Coast (journey time 6 hrs) and to northern cities such as Bologna (1.25 hrs) and Milan (4 hrs).  By Road: Rimini is linked to the A14 autostrada heading south or northwest to Bologna and Milan. Regular buses run to nearby coastal resorts such as Cattolica and Riccione (journey time 30 mins). There is also a direct bus to Rome (5 hrs), departing from the Lungomare (Seafront).



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